Order your own flag today!

Do you need your own logo flag? Or are you organising and event where you need flags? Please let us know and we can supply them

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Wat onze fans zeggen

Have a flag with our family coat of arms made for a special family weekend. Wereldvlaggen offers excellent service and value for money!​ The idea for a family flag came about late. The delivery was fast and right on time.


Beautiful flags of excellent quality! We order a series with the entire neighborhood during World Cup and European Championships and hold our own competition with the neighbors! Great service and good contact.


World Flags has been a trusted address for years. Together with my father I now have a nice collection of historical and war flags. We regularly keep an eye on the webshop for special items!


We were able to have new custom flags made for our golf course in Zandvoort. Really perfect considering the quality!​ We get a lot of compliments from our guests. Thank you World Flags for the excellent service!
